Good Things Take Time

Every marketer uses language like quick, fast, rapid or instant to describe the results they promise.

As if reading this one article is going to be responsible for you becoming a millionaire.

Or watching that one video.

Or clicking through on a Facebook ad to watch a webinar.

Millionaire makers, every single piece of marketing drivel. That is the promise. Yet the number of millionaires doesn’t seem to be increasing in equally rapid fashion.

I’ve written many articles, and read thousands more. None of them has made anyone an instant millionaire. My teachings aren’t a lottery ticket.

But I’ve come to know a lot of millionaires in my days. None were made overnight. Their success was acquired over time. Nothing about it was quick, fast, rapid or instantaneous.

Their ascent was glacial. It surfaced like the tip of an iceberg emerging from the ice cold water.

Good things take time. To build your base. To strengthen your foundation.

You must struggle, if you want to appreciate the spoils. You must feel stuck, if you are to recognize the instant when you break free.

But it’s not going to come from clickbait. It’s rarely the result of exposure to one idea or article. It’s a cumulative effect that comes from within.

And a whole lot of execution.

When you look back at the steps it took to achieve your goals, where would you rank the speed in which you achieved them?

How much of your plan for success relies on doing things quick, fast, rapid or instantaneously?

When the time comes, nobody cares how quickly you reached your goals. In fact, they probably don’t want to hear about your success amid their struggles.

I’ve known a lot of millionaires in my days. Many of them have created a lonely island for themselves. Both literally and figuratively.

How will you be different? How will you use time to build the best of both worlds?


  1. Christian


    I’ve been subscribed to your newsletter for a couple months now and I’m at the point where I look forward to reading your insights every Friday. This post is no different and is what inspired a comment from me.

    Boy, that statement “You must feel stuck, if you are to recognize the instant when you break free.” hit me. I’m about to complete 1 full year of having left my stable, full-time job to pursue my own business. Can’t count how many times (numerous times within any given day) I felt nauseous, hopeless, and insane to have made such a stupid move. Many times feeling that I was stuck and that it was going nowhere.

    I’m coming to the point where breakthrough is happening and I’m able to see the other side. It was due to a lot of reading, strategizing, and like you say “a whole lot of execution.” That’s where the real learning happens. Execution helps you fine tune your whole MO.

    One of the biggest lessons I learned in this year was that long-term success comes when I stop focusing on transactions with clients and start focusing on my relationship with them. That helped build deep, meaningful partnerships and allowed me to take advantage of opportunities to provide the most value, for the betterment of me and my clients. Yes, it takes longer but the payoff is so much better.

    Anyway, just wanted to reach out and say thank you for your posts. Your concise, deep insight truly goes a long way and I feel like I’m talking to my business coach when I read your newsletter.


    1. Jeff Sauer Post author

      Hi Christian,

      Great to hear you are enjoying these posts. I enjoy writing them as well, because many times I’m just talking about my own struggles out loud. Entrepreneurship is a lonely place at times, so anything we can do to support each other along the way makes a big difference.

      Funny how none of the books on entrepreneurship talk about how much second-guessing and doubt goes with each step of the process. It’s all roses and blueprints. Makes it even harder on those who are struggling along.

      Glad you’ve become a loyal reader!


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